I read a lot of young adult books that all seem to have love triangles. I understand why authors throw them in. It’s a way to add tension and mystery to the story. Who will the main character wind up with? It’s such a compelling subplot, except that it’s not. In most cases, I’ve found that the author has written themselves into a corner with the dreaded love triangle. In every instance, someone is going to be disappointed.
Every reader is going to have a preference between the love interests. If Mary is trying to choose between Steve and Bob, some people will like Steve and others Bob. The problem is when the writer choses who Mary is going to be with. Unless one choice is completely unsuitable, either Steve or Bob fans with be angry. You can’t satisfy everyone.
That’s why I don’t have a love triangle in Silver Rose or Silver Crescent. It’s just not worth it. I know exactly who Penelope is going to wind up with, so it’s a waste of time for the readers to try and pretend otherwise.